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Euro NCAP Mourns the Death of Max Mosley

Release Date: 25 May 2021   |   Belgium
Max Mosley

25 May 2021 - Euro NCAP mourns the passing of former FIA boss Max Mosley whose death was announced yesterday. Mr Mosley was instrumental in getting Euro NCAP off the ground in the late nineties and acted as its first President from 1997 until 2004.

Secretary General Michiel van Ratingen says “With his enormous influence, commanding personality and intellect, Max knew how to turn advocacy into action.  He put vehicle safety front and centre in the automotive industry and today his legacy lives on in one of the most recognised consumer safety programmes in the world.” 

After his retirement, Max Mosley continued to support road safety, most notably as a Trustee and Chairman for the Global NCAP programme for emerging markets.  Many of those involved at Euro NCAP cherish fond memories of the early years with Max. He will be missed and remembered.

Read More: Max Mosley Looks Back at the Beginning of Euro NCAP (2017 Interview by UK road safety journalist David Williams).

Editor’s note

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About Euro NCAP

Euro NCAP organizes crash & safety tests on new vehicles and provides motoring consumers with a realistic and independent assessment of the safety performance of some of the most popular cars sold in Europe. Established in 1997 and backed by several European Governments, motoring, consumer and insurance organizations, Euro NCAP has rapidly become a catalyst for encouraging significant safety improvements to new car design. Visit our website:

Euro NCAP ratings strictly apply to vehicles of the specifications offered in Europe. The ratings do not necessarily apply to models offered in other regions, even when sold under an identical name, as production specification and equipment may vary.

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