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Land Rover Range Rover − Green NCAP 2022 Results − 1½ stars

Release Date: 15 Dec 2022
Land Rover Range Rover Green NCAP results 2022

Land Rover Range Rover

D350 diesel AWD automatic

August 2023: The result of this car has been updated. Previously reported Ammonia (NH3) values were incorrect owing to a technical error with the equipment at the test laboratory and a correction has been applied.

The Range Rover D350 is a large and heavy luxurious SUV, equipped with a six-cylinder diesel engine with a power of 258 kW. Its mild-hybrid system cannot reduce the consumption to levels which would allow Green NCAP to award it higher results in the Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Indices. The consumption figures and the related greenhouse gas emissions are fair for a vehicle of this type, but still constitute a large impact on the environment. On the positive side, the Range Rover demonstrates that high fuel consumption is not necessarily at odds with good exhaust gas cleaning. The aftertreatment systems work well and robustly, and impresses with low particle number and NOX, especially in the Warm Lab Test. However, cold powertrain start tests and the conditions in the Highway Test reduce the results slightly and identify room for improvement. Short Urban Trips are not the Range Rover's strength, whether for Clean Air or Efficiency. The combined results of the three indices allow the British SUV to score 1½ stars with an overall weighted score of 2.6.

More detailed information can be found in the datasheet.

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